Really Reliable Recalls
The Secret To Off Lead Freedom

Really Reliable Recalls

The Secret To Off Lead Freedom

Most of us have seen the YouTube video of Fenton and his poor owner desperately trying to call him back from chasing deer in Richmond Park.

At first glance, it seems funny and it’s meant to be funny. But the reality of it is far from funny. Fenton could have been severely injured or worse. The deer that he was chasing could have been injured, traumatised and lost young or even killed, and the poor owner,  imagine for a moment what emotions he was going through, what thoughts were flashing through his mind,  not knowing whether Fenton was going to run off and never be seen  again. Whether he would finally catch up with him only to find that he'd been hit by a car or he'd been shot for chasing livestock.  

I don’t mean to scaremonger but having a reliable recall really can be a matter life or death for your dog.

This is why I am offering you my really reliable recall course. Through fun games you can develop a really reliable recall that allows you to let your dog off lead with confidence.

I will show you how to have a dog that actually wants to hang out with you rather than chase the local wildlife so together you can enjoy more time off lead along with a recall cue so powerful your dog will want to bounce back every time they hear it.

With lifetime access and any updates added automatically plus access to a free Facebook group you will be fully supported.every step of the way. 

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Really Reliable Recalls


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